Tag: women+ministry

  • Pregnant Mary | Advent Thoughts

    Pregnant Mary | Advent Thoughts

    This advent thought is based upon Luke 1:26-38 We belly laugh as we wind through the cobbled streets of Budapest and settle into a little Cajun spot called Soul Food. My colleague who is also an ordained woman has just come from a Christian meeting where she identified as a minister. A man from the…

  • Shades of Gray

    Shades of Gray

    The rythmic pump of oxygen is there. It’s faint, but it comes on the 5 or 6 count – unexpectedly and quietly. It’s a gentle breeze puffed into the century-old body. 100 years of life that began in 1916. Imagine that. And I steal a few moments to sit with him and draw out the…

  • A God Who Calls Women to Pastor

    It is Friday afternoon and my 14-year old folds her tall frame into the passenger seat.  “Mom, I am so angry.” Uh-oh. My mother’s heart braces for teen-age trouble. “Today in class, Mr. X. said that women cannot be pastors because they are inferior to men. And Mom, when I told him I think God has…

  • when women preach

    when women preach

      She had just blazed through a list of reasons why she did not like the Church and, ‘did not like’ is perhaps too polite because the emotion of it was anchored in something deeper and stronger: She was not the first during that weekend to express anti-church and anti-God sentiments. In conversation after conversation it…